
Ladies and Gentleman of "Sexy Female Abs" I am worried by the recent lull on our site. Even though I think the team and I are delivering good pictures in a timely manner the comments have dried up. You guys are just sitting there with no responses.

Do you like the girls?

Do you dislike the girls?

Are there ideas floating around in your head that could improve things?

The blog needs you the community to participate in it in order to make it viable. I am not the type to constantly check hit numbers unless they start spiking through the roof so the only way I know people are reading our blog and appreciating what we are providing. So think about it how long is it really going to take to write up a simple comment under a new posting? It would mean a lot to us and energise us to go looking for more content and for better features.

Obviously I wasn't going to leave you without giving you guys a little something something so enjoy. I think she is stunning.