Devon "Remy" Remington's MMA Debut

Our very first sponsored fighter and soon to be Babes of MMA model Devon "Remy" Remington debuted last Saturday at the Civil War MMA event in Woodridge, IL.  Fighting while sick and an unfortunate blow to the neck kept her from catching her breath to continue in the second round.  Although the decision was not what she was looking for we couldn't be more proud of Devon's heart and determination.  From the rockin entrance of Devon and team Remington to the song Undead by Hollywood Undead, to the mean intentioned kicks and punches landed in the cage and to all the support from family, friends and fans it will be a night to forever remember for all of us.  On top of that she debuted to an impressed Fight Chix CEO Elisabeth Nuesser and her lovely ladies who were in the house.  We recently caught up with Devon for a short Q&A session on her post fight thoughts.

From the build up and anticipation leading up to the fight to the actual fight itself how was the whole fight experience for you?

-The fighting experience definitely had its ups and downs, from training around the clock, to being sick, but still having the opportunity to meet some amazing people and getting out there doing what most girls my age can only dream of. In the beginning, I wasn't really sure what to expect out of it, but I'm glad I got the chance to go out and do it. I will say, though, one of the worst feelings I've ever had was the moments before walking out to fight. I have never been so nervous in my entire life and it basically made me sick to my stomach. The adrenaline and anticipation is so unreal, it's just a rush I haven't experienced with anything else.

What was the highlight of the night for you?

-The highlight of the night for me was basically having my friends and family there to support me. People I hadn't seen in over a year and a half showed up to cheer me on, and that was great. If it wasn't for them being there, I definitely would've brought myself down a lot more in the end when I had lost. But they were there to tell me "hey, good try," "you were sick," "you'll get them next time," hearing that motivation and feeling that pat on the back after feeling so bad, it definitely helped out a lot.

Now that you have fought in the cage what do you like better, fighting or ring carding and MMA modeling? Devon's Babes of MMA premiere photo shoot will be coming soon!

-I love the fighting world period, whether it's ring carding, modeling or being in the cage fighting. That whole entire scene gets me pumped every single time and I would love nothing more than to continue doing this for as long as I can.

What's next in the life of Devon?

-Next for me? Wow, that is definitely a tough question for me just because I don't like living by a set of rules or plans. But as far as I know now, I will definitely be continuing the fighting career and ring carding and so on while I'm here. As most of us know, I will be deploying to Iraq in November of this year. So as for what's happening after that, I can't tell you. But when I find out, trust me; everyone will know because of course it will be epic! :)

Any shout-outs or thank you's you would like to make?

-My shout outs definitely go to my friends and family for showing their support at my fight. My fellow soldiers at the 710th Area Support Medical Company in North Riverside Chicago but most of all to my two favorite guys, my dad and my boyfriend Zach. Daddy you raised me to be the son you never had, and a mean little shit at that. So thank you for never letting me quit. And to Zach, you know I love you. You put up with all my complaining, and constant bickering, and always tried to make me look at the positive side of things. So thank you.

I would personally like to thank Devon for all she has done and continues to do for Babes of MMA.  We teamed up with the best and look forward to a great future with her.  To keep up on the latest check out her new Facebook Fan Page, on Twitter and be sure to vote as often as possible at this Ring Girl Contest through February first.  For more pictures from the event see our Facebook page.  Don't forget to pick up Devon's official walk out shirt at the official Babes of MMA store too.